The Advisors

Marketing Matters

Covid-19  Health and Safety Protocols

Your health and safety is important to us!

We have created The Advisors Health and Safety Protocols to reflect best practice and Government guidelines during the Covid 19 pandemic. This includes social distancing measures, hygiene practices and etiquette. We will continue to monitor how best to stay safe and well, and will update these protocols accordingly. We ask everyone who joins us for consulting, training or mentoring to adhere to these guidelines closely.

Appointment Guidelines

Please arrive just at least 5 minutes before your appointment or class time.

Use hand sanitiser on the way in and out of the room.

Where applicable - please wear a mask to enter the room. Masks are currently required during class or meeting time.

We are adhering to the Government mandated maximum capacity for the number of participants with social distancing of 1.5m apart being observed within any class.

You must be booked in for each class or mentoring appointment with no drop-ins. Please de-register mindfully if you are unable to attend any classes or meetings.

Always check-in to your class with your trainer.

Please bring your own materials, resources, laptop and stationary. Please bring your own water bottle, tissues, masks and other hygiene requirements. Please dispose of used masks and tissues in the appropriate waste disposal receptacle.

We ask that you maintain 1.5m distance from all others in the space and remain respectful of everyone that is choosing to attend classes or meetings in person with us right now.

Please leave in a timely manner to allow cleaning in between class times.

Entry Requirements

Please do not attend class or any meeting if you are exhibiting signs of fever, cough, sore throat or have been in contact with a confirmed case of COVID. Wear a mask and maintain social distancing of 1.5m.

Because each student must book their class, we have an accurate record keeping for each student and their contact details. In the event a student is affected, we will quickly and effectively contact those necessary in accordance with the contact tracing process.

Cleaning + Hygiene Guidelines

We will be regularly cleaning and disinfecting common areas such as benches, chairs and door handles in accordance with COVID safe guidelines.

Please call or email us if you have any questions.